Why use WordPress?
Well, there are a lot of reasons for and against. Some find the template and theme aspect of WordPress restrictive, other find it incredibly useful and supportive.
Here are some reasons that we might choose WordPress for a suitable project:
- It’s free! For a lot of our students, partners and customers that is a huge benefit. WordPress is a fully functional, scaleable (with the right knowledge – check out our advanced WordPress courses coming soon), ready to use out of the box website development environment. There are a ton of free themes and plugins to let you achieve virtually anything that you need to do on a web site. And if you’re not seeing exactly what you want you can upgrade to a paid theme or plugin, that come with additional benefits of additional support and configuration options.
- It’s very easy to use. Like most computer based applications, WordPress requires a degree of – let’s say – technical expertise but if you can use Microsoft Word or manage your Facebook account you’re pretty much there. Using WordPress to create, edit and delete posts or pages requires little more than what you already know.
- It’s manageable from any computer, tablet or even a phone. Since WordPress is entirely browser based, as long as you have an internet connection and a computer you can manage your site from anywhere. You can also have multiple users and assign access or security levels.
- It requires no coding. WordPress has a fine tuned, user friendly interface that can be managed without any coding what so ever, so if programming is not your thing then WordPress may be your stress-free way to create web sites.
- It’s search engine friendly. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a process that modifies a web site and its content to make it more visible and easily indexed by search engines like Google or Bing. WordPress is designed to be search engine friendly, and this means that your WordPress site has an immediate advantage.
- It has a huge support community. Like most opensource software, built by the people for the people, there are a lot of people out there who want to share their knowledge and experience of WordPress. In addition to the official WordPress support sites, there are a multitude of forums, blogs (build with WordPress of course), and support communities eager to help and advise those in need.
Andrew Tully is an educator, designer, marketer, programmer and wood-turner, but not necessarily in that order. As founder of Learning Glue, making education work beautifully with technology is a passion.
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